
What Causes Bleeding Gums?

Posted on 01/17/2019
Bleeding Gums
Have your gums been bleeding lately? Not sure why? Read on to learn what causes bleeding gums. 

Half of American adults suffer from gum disease. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to loss of teeth, bone loss, and many other major problems. 

That sounds scary, right? Well, it doesn't have to be. All you need to do is look for the warning signs. 

Bleeding gums is the early and easily noticed warning sign that your dental care routine is lacking. If you notice that your gums bleed, now is the time to take steps to figure out why and make some changes. 

Keep reading to find out why your gums may be bleeding. 

What Do Bleeding Gums Mean?

By figuring out what is causing your gums to bleed, you can prevent more serious problems from developing. 

You Don't Floss Regularly 

We've all heard it before, you are at the dentist for your cleaning, and they tell you to floss more. Turns out, there's a good reason for it. 

You need to floss regularly so that your gums are adjusted to it. The other cause is the plaque between your teeth weakens your gums. 

The good news is that this problem is completely fixable. Start by flossing at least once a day. Your gums will heal and become stronger. 

The plaque will get cleaned out too so that your gums have a chance to heal. If after two weeks your gums still bleed with flossing, you might be flossing too hard. 


It's a logical and honest mistake that many people make. You want to make sure that you REALLY CLEAN your teeth so you scrub away. 

The problem is, the harder you mash your toothbrush bristles, the more likely you are to wear away your gums. Look at your toothbrush, are the bristles bent, flayed, or damaged? If so, then you are most likely brushing too hard. 

Not only are you causing your gums damage, but you aren't brushing effectively either. Instead, hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. 

Then move the bristles back and forth along your teeth in small circles. Do this gently so that you aren't applying hard pressure to your teeth and gums. 


This is the most common form of gum disease. When plaque gets left on the teeth it will irritate your gums. The more they get irritated, the more sensitive they become. 

Sensitive gums bleed easily.  If you've tried adjusting your brushing technique and you're gums are still bleeding, then it's probably gingivitis. 

Don't panic if you think you have gingivitis, it is a fairly common problem. The first thing you need to do is revamp your dental care routine. 

You'll want to floss at least once a day. Then brush gently twice a day. Be patient and stick to this new routine for at least two weeks. 

It's vital that you address this issue when you first notice the bleeding. Otherwise, gingivitis develops into periodontitis. You can schedule a professional cleaning to get a jump start on your new routine if you are really worried about your gingivitis. 

Lacking in Vitamin C 

This option is probably the least likely culprit to your bleeding gums. That's because we highly doubt that you have scurvy

A lack of vitamin C means that the body can't repair your body's tissue. This is most readily seen in your gums. 

Try eating more fruits and vegetables. If this really is the culprit you'll see improvement in a few weeks. 

Schedule Your Next Cleaning 

If you notice that your gums bleed when you floss or brush then take it as an early warning sign. Address the issue by taking a look at your routine. 

You might need to change up how often you floss or brush, or how hard you are doing it. Whatever you try, if the problem doesn't go away, seek the help of a professional to address your bleeding gums.

Request an appointment today to start caring for your teeth and stop the bleeding.